Last week’s edition of the Pastoral Plan Update focused on the overarching aim of the collaborative’s three-year plan: the challenge and call to become missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. Within the plan, three priorities are named that will address this vision in different ways. The first priority is “Fostering a Personal Relationship with Christ.” Under this priority are two goals:
First – “150 parishioners will actively participate in intentional adult faith formation in 2016 with a 10% increase in subsequent years.” While specific numbers are only guidelines (it is the Holy Spirit that draws people to particular experiences and encounters with Christ) our goal has already been definitively met in our collaborative this past year. Our two largest adult faith formation events so far have been the small faith sharing group sessions during Lent titled “At Home with the Word” (151 Participants), and the first two retreats during the Year of Mercy (54 unique participants). We also had parishioners involved with “Meeting Christ in Prayer,” the collaborative book club, and many other programs throughout the year.
Second – “Two Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) inquiry events will be scheduled each year within the collaborative with 12 personal invitations extended for each.” While this particular piece of the plan is still in the planning stage, it has forced us to look at what is needed to foster a vibrant RCIA program in the collaborative. Our efforts in this area will begin by identifying and training a RCIA team that will assist the pastoral staff in mentoring candidates during the process. Identification, selection, and training of the team is slated to take place this fall.
Moving Forward – These two goals have helped the staff identify different populations that are in need of further faith formation. Our offerings must not only focus on parishioners who are actively involved in parish life, but must also seek to engage those on the margins. In response, the collaborative has formed an Adult Faith Formation Committee in order to provide a coordinated approach to people at various stages in their relationship with Christ. We are certain that the parish staff cannot effectively implement these goals without the help of the Holy Spirit through parishioners willing to serve the community. If you resonate with one or several of these goals, please contact the staff.