Fr. Dan’s recovery from unexpected knee surgery continues to go well. However, it will be a longer recovery at Regina Cleri than originally hoped, and we don’t expect that he will be back in Newton until the weekend of August 3-4 at the very earliest. The staff continues to work hard to be sure that all weekend liturgies, as well as funerals, are covered by other priests.
While Fr. Dan recovers, we will be conducting Communion Services in place of Daily Masses for the time being, with the permission of our regional bishop. The schedule is:
Monday and Tuesday mornings, 7:00 am at Our Lady’s
Friday and Saturday mornings, 9:00 am at Sacred Heart
In addition, Confessions will be at Our Lady’s in August, rather than at Sacred Heart as would be the usual plan. This will be easier for Fr. Dan as he recovers.
Thank you for your understanding, and please continue your prayers for Fr. Dan and his care team!