This Sunday, we hear Jesus describing himself as the gate of the sheepfold. He is the Shepherd who guards and cares for his sheep; he calls to them, and the sheep hear his voice. Throughout my life, I have heard Christ calling me and have always tried to respond as best I can. My response to Christ has brought me unexpected joys and a peace that I would not have thought possible.
About a year ago, I was diagnosed with a progressive neurological illness. This disease is incurable and will continue to affect the way I live my life. I have been blessed with a strong support system of family, friends, colleagues, and doctors that have made these last few years joy-filled and life-giving. I can say without hesitation that I have no worries or concerns as I continue my journey with this disease, and I now rely more and more on the voice of Jesus, our shepherd, to guide me in these next years of ministry.
As part of the reality of my condition, the collaborative will be getting a new priest. Fr. Dan Riley will be joining us on June 1st. His official title will be “Parochial Vicar Assisting the Pastor with Administration.” I will remain the Pastor and will continue to guide us as we journey through this collaborative process, but Fr. Dan will be here to help me in the execution of that leadership and in the daily management needs of the collaborative.
In this Easter Season where we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ and the promise of our own immortality, I ask that you please pray for me as I face this next step in my life’s journey. Thank you for your love and commitment to the collaborative, and please know of my promise of prayers for you.