Are you looking for a way to help those in need?
The mission of our conference of St. Vincent de Paul is to provide food, clothing, and housing-related assistance to our Neighbors in need in the greater Newton Community. Many of the Neighbors we help have hit an unexpected “pothole” in their lives – a car repair, job loss, illness in the family, a divorce, a loss of childcare – but they have no financial cushion to soften these unexpected blows. They live on the edge, with no wiggle room. Due to the generosity of our donors, over the course of the past year, the Sacred Heart and Our Lady Help of Christians Collaborative Conference of St. Vincent de Paul spent approximately $28,000 to assist those in need in our community, a 33% increase over the previous year. We need your financial assistance to help us to continue to fulfill our mission. Our only expense is postage and a $200 annual dues payment to the regional chapter. Other than that, every dollar you give goes directly to helping our neighbors right here in our community.
To donate, please send a check made out Society of St. Vincent de Paul and mail it to either parish office. Or if you prefer to donate online, you can go to the following website:
SVDP Boston/Donate. When prompted to “Add special instructions to the seller”, please type in “Sacred Heart/Our Lady’s conference”, and your funds will be marked for help right here in our community!
If you have any questions, need assistance, or would like to join our group of volunteers, please email us at SVDP SHOL Newton.