The center of our communal worship as Catholics is the Eucharist. In the Celebration of the Eucharist, Christ is made present in the community of worshipers, in the proclamation of the Word of God, and in the consecrated bread and wine that has become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
It is through participation in the Mass and through the reception of Christ's Body and Blood that we are led to ever- deepening conversion of mind and heart toward Jesus Christ. We are given food for the journey as we seek to live lives in the world that are ever more Christlike.
All are welcome to join us for Sunday and daily Mass. Mass times can be found above. If you are not Catholic, but are interested in receiving the Eucharist, we invite you to have a conversation with one of our priests or pastoral associates.
Looking for information about preparing for celebrating First Holy Communion? Please head to our Faith Formation pages.