We, the staff, are seeing folks coming down with Covid in our two parishes in numbers that far surpass anything we have seen before. We love you and want you to be safe, so we offer these thoughts for your consideration.
(1) No Ordinary Time: During this surge time, as cases are sky-rocketing, it is much more likely than in non-surge times that folks who are unaware they have Covid are at the Mass you are attending.
(2) TV/Online Mass or In-Person Mass? Please consider the TV/Online Mass option – especially if you have conditions that put you at a higher risk. Our Sunday Mass goes out by Flocknote every week.
(3) Vaccinations. Thank you for being fully vaccinated and boosted as you are able.
(4) Masks. “Experts say it’s best to wear N95, KN95, or KF94 masks [during the Omicron Surge].” Some experts say wearing these better masks makes a night vs. day difference. (Wearing a mask indoors is required by the City of Newton and required at Mass by Cardinal Sean O'Malley.)
(5) Err on the safe side: If you have any symptoms suggesting you might have Covid, please do not come to Mass until you are sure you do not have Covid.
(6) Health concerns and the Sunday Mass obligation. If you stay home for reasons due to concern about Covid, Cardinal Sean has stated you are not in violation of the obligation to attend Mass.
Love and God bless you, Fr. Dan and the Staff