We want to share the following, as some safety precautions change as of May 29th:
As of May 29, 2021, vaccinated people are no longer required to wear masks or socially distance. The State does advise that non-vaccinated people continue to wear masks. Children under the age of 12 are included in the governor's advisory that unvaccinated people wear masks.
You are free to continue to wear masks as long as you like, and you will be respected if you choose to do so.
We will make provisions for people who are not vaccinated and/or who are not yet ready to sit near other people. We will do this by designating portions of the church for socially distanced seating. These sections will be marked with signs, and ushers can direct you. Please be flexible as the ushers work out seating; some changes may be made in real-time.
A person without a mask may not sit in the section of the church designated for those with masks. However, if a mixed group is present, a person with a mask may sit in the section for those without masks.
Ushers and Eucharistic Ministers will continue to wear masks while performing their ministry.
The dispensation from the obligation for coming to Sunday Mass has not yet been lifted, and even when it is, if a parishioner is feeling ill they should remain at home.
If we become aware that a Covid-positive person has attended Mass, we will post that on the collaborative’s website – keeping the person's name anonymous. We suggest you keep an eye on the website.
We will continue to provide the Sunday online Mass.
The use of confessionals will resume. At Sacred Heart, the confessional can be found in the Lower Chapel. At Our Lady's, the confessional is off the Lower Hall - enter from the parking lot.
There are many heroes among our volunteers and staff who have kept our parishes going during these difficult times. We are exceedingly grateful to them. We thank everyone for their continued cooperation and courtesy in following their guidance.
We are moving gradually and with care as we head back toward pre-pandemic routines. We will continue to update you. Your safety is an extremely high priority! With gratitude for your understanding, your flexibility, and your companionship in faith, The Pastoral Staff