We value you and your health. If you think that you might be developing Covid, or if your health or age makes coming to Christmas Mass a risk, please stay home and participate in Christmas Mass on TV or the internet. As Cardinal Sean reminds us, health concerns dispense you from the obligation to attend Mass.
If you are looking to avoid the most crowded Mass – that is the 4 PM. You may want to consider choosing a Mass other than one at 4 PM.
While there are limited socially distanced sections in the Church, they may run out. While we will do our best, we cannot guarantee that the socially distanced sections will not be full by the time you arrive at church. To get more social distancing, we suggest avoiding the 4 PM, and, in particular, we highly recommend the 10 AM Mass on Christmas Day, as that is the Mass with the most extra room.
Masks are required by the City of Newton and the Archdiocese of Boston, and we follow this law meticulously. (Note: Children under 2 and people for whom a mask would create a health risk are exempt from the mandate)
Vaccines are strongly urged. [Vaccines are not mandatory.]
We will continue to follow the directives of the City of Newton, the Archdiocese of Boston, and the leading health experts, and make adjustments as called for.
We care about you. We want your Christmas to be: Merry, Blessed and Healthy.
– Fr. Dan and the entire Collaborative staff.