(To read our announcement of March 9, please follow this
Fr. John Sassani has been such a gift to our community of faith for so many years. As a way of celebrating all that he has shared with us, we invite you to submit your special memories of him.
Did Fr. John baptize your child? Marry you and your spouse? Celebrate Mass for your child’s First Communion? Did he provide consolation at the loss of a loved one or counsel you through a difficult situation or crisis of faith? Did Fr. John preach a homily that deeply enriched your relationship with Christ? Did he lead you through your Cursillo weekend or guide you in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius?
The pastoral staff are working on compiling photos, stories, anecdotes, and so on of Fr. John’s impact on our lives— memories that you and your family cherish. This gift will be given to Fr. John in the coming months. We will also put together a smaller selection of photos and stories to be shared with our entire community. Send your photos and stories to Kristina at [email protected] or to her attention at Our Lady’s, 573 Washington St, Newton 02458. If you have a printed photo and would like to keep the original, please call Kristina so that she can digitally scan and return your photo. Deadline for all submissions is Friday, April 26.
We would love to hear from adults and children alike!
In addition, we have note cards available in the back of the churches, through the next several weeks. After writing your thoughts, please place in the basket provided. You may also write a note at home and bring it to Mass, placing it in this basket.
---If you seal your note in an envelope, it will go directly and privately to Fr. John.
---If you leave your note out of an envelope or do not seal it, we will assume you are willing to have it shared publicly with our community.
Thank you for your participation and for your continued prayers for Fr. John!
Lord Jesus, we thank You for the gift of Fr. John in our lives. As he moves into this next phase of his life’s journey, we ask that You give him the grace always to be aware of Your presence at his side. May he always know the peace and joy that only You can give. We ask You also to bless his family and all who care for him. In Your name we pray. Amen.